As you look at the history of some of the most successful names within the entertainment industry, you may come to find out that many of them did not even study the industry while they were in college or even attend college. There aren't many colleges through the United States that even offer a program that will help you to earn a career within this industry. Many people have rose to their level of success by being in the right place at the right time.
Jay Z |
Richard Branson |
Another person to think about is Richard Branson. He is the founder of Virgin Music. Branson didn't even complete his high school education; he dropped out at the age of 16 years old while suffering from dyslexia. He exemplified his talents at a young age by creating a national magazine. As a teen, he ventured out to develop his first business, a discount record shop in 1972. As times went on and he remained successful, Branson acquired more businesses that we successful as well (The Biography Channel UK).
This goes to show you that although having an education is extremely important, being successful in the entertainment industry isn't only guaranteed to those with a degree. Jay Z completed high school but was not able to attend college. He utilized the resources he had in order to make a career for himself. Richard Branson dropped out of high school but found a way to start a successful business. When it comes to success in the entertainment industry, your level of success is only guaranteed by the amount of effort you put into it.
---- Jackee Walker
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