
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Revamping Your Image

As you continue to become the person that you want to be, various things about yourself will change as well.

Take a look into a typical college students' closet... You'll see a plethora of jeans, t-shirts and sweatshirts... You'll also see the occasional party clothes for a night out (after studying, of course)... But once that student has graduated, they can no longer wear those jeans, nor party clothes, on a job interview. In order for students to avoid the last minute search of more professional attire, students should begin their Closet Revamping no later than the start of their Senior year. This gives them ample time to gradually improve their wardrobe and find out what works for them as well. Below, I will provide you with a few simple changes that can assist in making changes.

1. Start by purchasing new accessories. Ladies can buy more conservative jewelry such as smaller hoop earrings and studs. Decorative jewelry should be saved for special occasions. Guys can just start by purchasing nice (quality) neckties and belts. Remember to match your shoes with your belts for a more polished look.

2. Take advantage of off-season purchases, Most stores mark down winter clothes during the summer and they discount the lighter clothing during the winter. It's easier to purchase this way so that you're not blowing your budget just to look nice. Depending on the location that you live it, winter time staples are pea coats, usually in a nice tone such as grey or black.

3. If you must spend more money on anything, it should be on your shoes. A lot of people establish their first impression based on the shoes that the person is wearing. Look for what is comfortable rather than what is popular. Not everyone will have the same taste in shoes so you can view a larger variety by shopping in stores such as DSW (Designer Shoe Warehouse); they over one of the largest selection of the latest trends of shoes for discount prices.

4. Dress shirts are an easy way to change up a look with a traditional suit. They come in a variety of colors and styles that lean to the ability to mix things up. Its easier for women to find their size but look for comfort when purchasing. Guys should get professionally measured to find out the correct size that they need. Nothing looks worse than a shirt that is either too big or too short. Stores such as Men's Warehouse and JoS. A. Bank Clothiers have plenty of professionals who can give you the correct measurements and recommendations for dress shirts.

5. When it comes to buying suits, its easier to start out with the basic colors (black, navy blue and brown). You can easily match any shirts with these colors. No need to purchase 10 suits because you can also give yourself variety by purchasing dress slacks and sports coats (for men) and skirts and blazers/sweaters (for women). Once you get more comfortable wearing business suits, then you can begin exploring other colors and prints.

Things that you always want to take into consideration is to keep hairstyles neat and simple. Your hair should complement your face and not become the focus of who you are.

Hopefully these quick tools will help with your transition from College Senior to Working Adult.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Importance of an Electronic Press Kit

Think about what you need to do in order to obtain your dream job… Most people feel the need to obtain a degree. Some intern or maybe start out at the bottom of the totem pole… No matter what route you take to land your dream job, there’s always one common thing that everyone needs to have and that is a Resume.

According to Merriam-Webster’sOnline Dictionary, a resume is “a set of accomplishments.” Most resumes come in various formats. For a more corporate type of job, many people create a resume that contains their education, work experience, reference, etc. But when it comes to a career as a music artist, your resume takes a completely different form. The way that most artists are able to summarize what they have done is be developing an electronic press kit (epk).

 A press kit is simply a resume for a music artist. Most of them contain the following: bio of the artist, photos, samples of music, a list of performances, and any accomplishments that they may have. Just as anyone can post a resume online to sites just as or, music artists can also have an online presence via an electronic press kit.

Before the big move to technology, most artists would have all of this printed out in a tangible format to present to other music industry professionals and it was just known as a Press Kit. Now that we can practically find anything via the use of anything electronic, many artists provide access to their EPKs via a website, digital file to be sent, cd, along with contact information. Jonathan Ostrow, of Music Think Tank, recommends that artists have a physical press kit along with their electronic press kit.

Examples of some electronic press kits can be seen at the following websites:
-       Power Press Kits
-       Performer Magazine

The benefit of having these available is that you are no longer considered to be out of touch with anyone. If you live in Orlando and are trying to gain immediate attention of a music executive in New York or even California, they no longer have to wait for you to send a tangible item to them to review. You can instantly send them your epk so that they can review your work. A lot of music industry professionals believe that “Time Equals Money” so they want to move quickly when it comes to working with any music artist.

Something that you want to make sure that you do is to have quality items within your press kit. Photos should be high resolution and your music should be professionally recorded. This helps others see that you are worth the financial investment if you are willing to invest your own money.

Ostrow also suggests that you provide a cover letter with your press kit. Just as when applying for a job, your resume would be provide with a cover letter so the same rule applies.

Presentation is key when you are making your first impression on anyone that you come into physical contact with. If you are not able to physically meet someone in-person, your press kit must speak volumes for you and your talent as a musician. No matter what you may or may not have accomplished, all artists should take advantage of their press kit.